152. The Coffin Confessor: Secrets of the Dead

152. The Coffin Confessor: Secrets of the Dead

By Andrew Gold & Glassbox Media

Bill Edgar is the Coffin Confessor. People with not long to live go to Bill to ask him to get up and say certain things at their funerals, or to get things done once they pass on. You can find our first chat on episode 19, so about 2 years ago, on this podcast. Bill Edgar links: https://www.billedgar.com.au https://twitter.com/coffinconfessor https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Coffin-Confessor/dp/B0933GNBMS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=155R4Z2B0A42R&keywords=coffin+confessor&qid=1658925498&s=books&sprefix=coffin+confessor%2Cstripbooks%2C67&sr=1-1 Andrew Gold links: http://youtube.com/andrewgold1 http://instagram.com/andrewgold_ok http://twitter.com/andrewgold_ok Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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