Friends Retrospective
“Friends” is one of the most iconic shows of the 90s, and since this is a podcast about the 80s and 90s, the guys embark on a nostalgic journey exploring one of the most beloved shows of the 90s. Joining them for “The One About a Friends Retrospective” is their friend Jamie from TV Show Graphs. Tune in as they delve into the magic of “Friends,” reminiscing about the memorable moments, characters, and the enduring impact this classic sitcom has to this day.
For More TV Show Graphs Visit
Web: Twitter: @tvshowgraphs Instagram: @tvshowgraphsFor More from the 80s and 90s visit
Web: Instagram: @The80sand90sCom YouTube: The 80s and 90s OverlookedCheck out Jamies previous visit to the podcast: Graph-Worthy Facts About TV From The 80s or 90s With Special Guest Jamie
"Friends" graphs mentioned during the show:
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