What Makes the 80s Special with Special Guests Kerrie and Sarah

What Makes the 80s Special with Special Guests Kerrie and Sarah

By Fervorfish

In this episode of “The 80s and 90s Uncensored” Jamie and Milo are joined by two special guests, Sarah Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan, authors of “Back to the 80s”. They discuss what makes the 80s special compared to other decades. They talk about movies, music, and those special moments that children of the 80s experienced. 


"Back to the 80s" is available from

5 Prince Publishing: https://www.5princebooks.com/backtothe80s.html Amazon: https://amzn.to/3OYoGaS

Find Sarah and Kerrie at

Sarah Reichert: https://sarahreichertauthor.com/ Kerrie Flanagan: https://www.kerrieflanagan.com/

For More from the 80s and 90s visit

Web: the80sand90s.com    Instagram: @The80sand90sCom  YouTube: The 80s and 90s Overlooked

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