Our Favorite Music Videos of the 80s and 90s with Special Guest Stephen Pitalo

Our Favorite Music Videos of the 80s and 90s with Special Guest Stephen Pitalo

By Fervorfish

What do strawberry milk, mushrooms, and Pat Benatar have in common? If you remember the days when MTV showed music videos, you might know the answer to that question. In this episode of the 80s and 90s Uncensored, Milo and Jamie are joined by Stephen Pitalo of Music Video Time Machine to discuss their two pics for classic music videos that are worth checking out. Stephen’s extensive knowledge of music videos makes him a living encyclopedia on the topic, and he generously shares some of that expertise with us.

To find out more about Stephen and Music Video Time Machine visit

Web: musicvideotimemachine.com Instagram: @musicvideotimemachine Twitter: @mvtimemachine

Head to this episode's podcast page to watch the videos we talked about.

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Web: the80sand90s.com    Twitter: @The80sand90sCom  Instagram: @The80sand90sCom  YouTube: The 80s and 90s Overlooked

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