Outspoken Beauty X YSL Beauty - Abuse Is Not Love

Outspoken Beauty X YSL Beauty - Abuse Is Not Love

By Global Media & Entertainment

*This episode is in partnership with YSL Beauty*

In this episode I'm joined by the incredible Juleah Love and Manon Ergin. Juleah is the Global Head of Brand Corporate Engagement at YSL Beauty and Manon the VP of Global Communication and Image. But what makes these women stand out to me is the passion and commitment that they have put into creating YSL Beauty's Abuse Is Not Love Campaign which helps women all around the world to deal with, learn about and escape abusive relationships.

During the episode we talk about the making of "Don't Call It Love" , an incredibly hard-hitting short film that they released on International Women's Day and how they have turned the traditional idea of a fragrance ad on its head to help make the most important of points and educate as many women as possible.

We also explore the lengths they have gone to to ensure that they can help women all around the world in the right way. (They work with experts and charities to ensure that they address each country's individual problems).

Juleah also speaks from the heart about what to do if you find yourself in an abusive relationship and why you must never blame yourself!

What really struck me when speaking to Juleah and Manon both before and during the recording was that this isn't yet another big brand "doing good" and paying lip service to impress consumers. In fact, I got the impression that the work that they are doing around IPV (intimate partner violence) has become larger and more vital that they ever could have imagined. These women and their team are fully invested and so incredibly passionate about the work that they are doing.

If you'd like to watch Don't Call It Love, you can do here

If you need help with IPV then you'll find lots of resources here

Outspoken Beauty X YSL Beauty - Abuse Is Not Love
Outspoken Beauty X YSL Beauty - Abuse Is Not Love
Outspoken Beauty