CyberEdge Group Interview, Halo Fan Game Takedown, CRISPR Test, Fake Zuckerberg
First Segment: CyberEdge. Steve Piper, Co-Founder/CEO.
CyberEdge Group is a premier research and marketing consulting firm serving the needs of high-tech vendors and service providers. Headquartered in historic Annapolis, Maryland, CyberEdge is a “virtual” consulting company comprised of more than two-dozen highly experienced career consultants spanning a variety of disciplines and industries.
Second Segment: Computer and Technology News.
Today's Topics Include:
CRISPR Company Wants An In-Home Test
Halo Online Fan Game Gets Sacked
New Music Royalty Laws
Internet Fast Lanes Come Up
Poser Mark's Scamming People On Facebook
Police Take Down Largest DDoS Site
And more! For full show notes, check out!