Diamond Assets Interview, CLOUD Act Explained, Google Maps, Theranos Fraud

Diamond Assets Interview, CLOUD Act Explained, Google Maps, Theranos Fraud

By Computer America

First Segment: Diamond Assets. Charles Duarte, Vice President. Diamond Assets partners with organizations in the education, corporate, and government sectors to maximize the residual value of their Apple devices. Unlike recyclers and buy-back companies, we go beyond the transaction by coaching and guiding our customers toward a cycle of financial sustainability. Our white-glove service, enhanced trade-in values, and dedicated account management makes it easy for organizations to refresh to the latest technology.   Second Segment: Computer and Technology News. Today's Topics Include: Coinhive Biggest Users Raking In Pennies Google Maps Open Up To More Apps CLOUD Act Ignores The 4th Amendment Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Theranos and CEO Charged With Massive Fraud And more! For full show notes, check out ComputerAmerica.com!
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