Popzara Magazine Interview, Talking Apple, Rainbow Six Siege, Beme Shuttering

Popzara Magazine Interview, Talking Apple, Rainbow Six Siege, Beme Shuttering

By Computer America

Both Segments: Popzara Magazine. Nathan Evans, Managing Editor Throughout Popzara you’ll experience views on gaming, movies, technology, cultural icons and movements, even politics. Reviews and previews, in-depth analyses, opinion pieces, conversations, news bits, and so much more. We value originality and our diverse staff are committed to bringing this cornucopia of editorial goodness in fair-minded and positive ways, with minimal snark. A little bit of everything for the discriminating reader and curious listener. https://www.youtube.com/embed/FlY5SZh6R9k Today's show will include: Nintendo’s Miitomo shutdown is a wake-up call for its smartphone track record https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/01/nintendos-first-smartphone-app-will-shut-down-in-may-and-good-riddance/   CNN shutters Casey Neistat’s video company Beme, which it bought 14 months ago for $25 million https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/25/16932250/casey-neistat-video-company-beme-shut-down-cnn https://www.cnet.com/news/cnn-to-part-ways-with-youtube-star-casey-neistat/ And more! For full show notes, check out ComputerAmerica.com!
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