Gamer Tuesday with Cory Galliher, Talking Star Citizen, Mega Man, More!
Both Segments: Cory Galliher. Gaming Correspondent, Senior Games Editor to Popzara
Cory Galliher, associate editor with Popzara Press, spends his days working as a journalist and technical writer and his nights working as a crime-fighting detective. Or maybe he just plays a bunch of video games and messes around with a lot of tech while subjecting the world to his opinions on it all. He's been with Popzara since the heady early years of 2014 and intends to stick around, meaning the nightmare might never end.
Today's Topics Include:
Mega Man 30th Anniversary and Mega Man 11 Announcement
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Microtransaction Controversy
Star Citizen Selling Virtual Land Claims
Curse of Osiris Launches
Best and Worst Games of 2017
For full show notes, check out!