Scott Schober Interview, Apple 4K Movies, Gene Therapy, Cummins Trucks

Scott Schober Interview, Apple 4K Movies, Gene Therapy, Cummins Trucks

By Computer America

First Segment: Scott Schober. Author/Security Expert Cyberwarfare has become a very real part of our business, our government, our technology and our culture. We’ve seen terms like hacking, cyber-security and DDoS explode into our popular vernacular and for good reason. Real cyber-attacks have increased exponentially in the past 12 months and the growing fear of them has gone off the charts. Still, many of us do not incorporate simple, best practices when it comes to things like creating passwords and engaging with social media. Second Segment: Computer and Technology News Computer America goes out in search of the latest and greatest news stories of the day! These include: Apple Feuds With Movie Companies Over 4K Movies 24 Hours Left Of Net Neutrality Comments MIT Makes A Polite Robot First FDA Approved Gene Therapy Cummins Makes Electric Semi And more! Check out for full show notes!
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