Steve Stockman Interview, Burger King Coins, Whole Foods, Facebook
First Segment: Steve Stockman. How To Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck.
Steve Stockman is a writer/director/producer at Custom Productions, Inc. in Los Angeles. He's done a feature film, created and Executive Produced tv series like Brew Dogs for the new Esquire Network, Dogs of War for A&E, Devils Ride for Discovery Channel and $24 in 24 for Food Network; plus music videos, web series and over 200 commercials.
Second Segment: Computer and Technology News
Computer America scours the internet, searching high (Google) and low (Bing) to find the greatest and latest in computer and technology news. Tune in today for topics such as:
Burger King Makes Russian Cryptocurrency for Burgers
Zinc-Air Batteries, The Next Step?
And more! Check out for full show notes!