How to Minister to the Human Spirit and Why it is Important with Dr. Rob Ruckert

How to Minister to the Human Spirit and Why it is Important with Dr. Rob Ruckert

By Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Dr. Rob Ruckert is back with Dan Duval in order to get into questions associated with how ministry to the Human Spirit is actually accomplished. Due to the influx of questions we have received at BRIDE Ministries regarding ministry to the Human Spirit, what it looks like, and what the mechanics are, we felt it was time for a program to address these issues head on. Prepare for a real treat as Dan Duval and Rob go back and forth on the how, the why, and the scriptural reasoning that undergirds this type of ministry.  Be sure to visit us at! Join us every Friday night at 7:00 pm CST at to participate in our live weekly service!
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