Junkfood Cinema: The Worst of 1987
Witness finally, the finale of our Summer of 87 series! Breaking format ever so slightly (i.e. with a sledgehammer) we discuss the very worst films of 1987. Super-meh: The Quest for Sense, Jaws: The Regurgitation, Deathwish IV: The Quest for Crack. Can you believe there were a total of FOUR terrible part four's in one year? Neither could we, but we're sure as hell gonna talk about them all and slowly drive ourselves to the brink of madness all for your listening pleasure!
For crying out loud, this was the summer Ishtar came out and it's not even on our list of the worst!
Normally we're a podcast about celebrating the movies we love, but sometimes it's important to understand that we do in fact have a threshold. I mean if you can't find the basement, how can you adequately measure the House...2...The Second Story. Dear lord, what have we done?
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For crying out loud, this was the summer Ishtar came out and it's not even on our list of the worst!
Normally we're a podcast about celebrating the movies we love, but sometimes it's important to understand that we do in fact have a threshold. I mean if you can't find the basement, how can you adequately measure the House...2...The Second Story. Dear lord, what have we done?
Like the show? Consider supporting us on Patreon! For as little as $4/mo, you can get access to all our bonus content (including the Summer of 77 miniseries), and you ensure we can keep doing Junkfood Cinema long after the end of the world! Thanks!