118. Julie Shapiro, Radiotopia Executive Producer

118. Julie Shapiro, Radiotopia Executive Producer

By The Wolf Den

According to executive producer Julie Shapiro, Radiotopia is a unique podcast network that she likens to a punk rock record label, bringing together independent shows to help support and grow them. But how does a show get “signed” to Radiotopia? Julie sheds some light on that, in this episode of the Wolf Den, with hosts Chris Bannon and Lex Friedman. She explains the process behind the network’s Podquest contest, in which 1,537 entries vied to be the next podcast added to the Radiotopia roster. Julie also reflects on her career in creative audio, from co-founding the Third Coast International Audio festival in 2000 to leading the production of two new podcasts at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Finally, she offers advice to the aspiring podcaster, and reveals the kinds of show pitches she’s tired of seeing.
118. Julie Shapiro, Radiotopia Executive Producer
118. Julie Shapiro, Radiotopia Executive Producer
The Wolf Den