107. Sarah Thyre and Franklin Leonard: Live at Fast Company Creative Counter-Conference

107. Sarah Thyre and Franklin Leonard: Live at Fast Company Creative Counter-Conference

By The Wolf Den

Dig deep into the business of podcasting with this episode of The Wolf Den, recorded live at a Fast Company Creative Counter-Conference event hosted at the Earwolf studios in Hollywood. Adam moderates a panel with Earwolf hosts Sarah Thyre (“Crybabies”) and Franklin Leonard (“The Black List Table Reads”). They answer questions from the assembled journalists, agency representatives and media industry professionals about building audience, the ethics of podcast ads, episode length, and pitching guests to hosts. First, to get everyone up to speed, Adam presents a short history of Earwolf and Midroll, and shares some very funny, and very effective podcast ad reads.This episode is sponsored by Hired and Podcast Movement.
107. Sarah Thyre and Franklin Leonard: Live at Fast Company Creative Counter-Conference
107. Sarah Thyre and Franklin Leonard: Live at Fast Company Creative Counter-Conference
The Wolf Den