66. Wolfpop Curator Paul Scheer & Podcast Developer Matt Gourley

66. Wolfpop Curator Paul Scheer & Podcast Developer Matt Gourley

By The Wolf Den

Earwolf and Midroll Media just launched a new podcast network: Wolfpop. Curator Paul Scheer and Podcast Developer Matt Gourley join Adam for this conversation recorded six hours after Wolfpop went live (and an all-nighter for Adam). They talk about how the idea for a pop culture focused network came together, and their strategy for building a slate of shows. Paul and Matt discuss how the focus was first on finding passionate hosts, then helping them develop formats that work best. Then they share some of the process of recruiting the Wolfpop talent--like cold-calling film critic Leonard Maltin, host of Maltin on Movies--and how Paul helped bring people on board by sharing his own experience hosting a podcast within an already busy schedule. Finally, they tackle the reasons for launching with a line-up of more than a dozen shows, and consider the "Waiting for Godot" of podcasting.
66. Wolfpop Curator Paul Scheer & Podcast Developer Matt Gourley
66. Wolfpop Curator Paul Scheer & Podcast Developer Matt Gourley
The Wolf Den