Episode 409 - Kericho Marathon Kenya.

Episode 409 - Kericho Marathon Kenya.

By Deena Kastor & Martin Yelling

Martin's back from an incredible trip to Kenya with Five Talents, shares all the news and speaks to Marathon Talk Kenya campers Ben Foster and Nikki Chamberlain as well as Nick Kershaw from Impact Marathons and Rachel Lindley from Five Talents. The NYC marathon saw the first female American champion for 40 years. Jemima Sumgong gets a doping ban upheld. British para-sport is in classification crises. Training Talk is sponsored by Runderwear, we catch up with founder Richard Edmunds and Martin shares how not to get a marathon in Kenya right. You rate your run, show off your kit and stand on the podium.

Episode 409 - Kericho Marathon Kenya.
Episode 409 - Kericho Marathon Kenya.
Marathon Talk