091 - Learned Helplessness (rebroadcast)

091 - Learned Helplessness (rebroadcast)

By You Are Not So Smart

Even when the prison doors are left wide open, we sometimes refuse to attempt escape. Why is that?

In this rebroadcast of one of our most popular episodes we learn all about the strange phenomenon of learned helplessness and how it keeps people in bad jobs, poor health, terrible relationships, and awful circumstances despite how easy it might be to escape any one of those scenarios with just one more effort.

You'll learn how to defeat this psychological trap with advice from psychologists Jennifer Welbourne, who studies attributional styles in the workplace, and Kym Bennett who studies the effects of pessimism on health.

- Show notes at: www.youarenotsosmart.com
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091 - Learned Helplessness (rebroadcast)
091 - Learned Helplessness (rebroadcast)
You Are Not So Smart