070 - The No True Scotsman Fallacy

070 - The No True Scotsman Fallacy

By You Are Not So Smart

When your identity becomes intertwined with your definitions, you can easily fall victim to something called The No true Scotsman Fallacy.

It often appears during a dilemma: What do you do when a member of a group to which you belong acts in a way that you feel is in opposition to your values? Do you denounce the group, or do you redefine the boundaries of membership for everyone?

In this episode, you will learn from three experts in logic and argumentation how to identify, defend against, and avoid deploying this strange thinking quirk that leads to schisms and stasis in groups both big and small.

• Show Notes: http://bit.ly/1NokrTa

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070 - The No True Scotsman Fallacy
070 - The No True Scotsman Fallacy
You Are Not So Smart