Our Real Estate Obsession with Giorgio Angelini

Our Real Estate Obsession with Giorgio Angelini

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

Why do you live where you live? Not just the state or the city but the block you walk down and the door you walk through every day. Having a space to call home is packaged as part of the ‘American Dream’ and it has become a full on real estate obsession. If you’re like Chris Hayes, you might find yourself binge watching HGTV or scanning house listings in cities you have no plans of living in. But our ability to partake in that dream is far from equal thanks to housing policies that have disenfranchised generations. Despite these forces directly ruling over where we are able to live, talking about housing policy can make the eyes glaze over. Luckily, Giorgio Angelini managed to weave together the intricate history of housing discrimination from New Jersey to California in his visually stunning new documentary, “Owned: A Tale of Two Americas”.

Our Real Estate Obsession with Giorgio Angelini
Our Real Estate Obsession with Giorgio Angelini
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast