The Middle East with Dexter Filkins

The Middle East with Dexter Filkins

By Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

What is happening in the Middle East? Chris Hayes sorts through the bewildering number of individual conflicts and key players to get to the heart of what’s unfolding in the Middle East. And, at the heart of it, is one big potentially world-war-starting kind of fight that helps explains them all. To understand the details of that fight, Chris turns to one of the best foreign reporters writing today – Dexter Filkins. He has covered the area extensively, knows the Middle East inside and out, and can tell us why we could be standing on the precipice of something era-defining. Read more at

The Middle East with Dexter Filkins
The Middle East with Dexter Filkins
Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast