349 - Putting Words on the Page

349 - Putting Words on the Page

By John August and Craig Mazin

John and Craig discuss the digital tools of the trade. From outline to first draft to production rewrites, screenwriters find themselves facing different challenges. We talk about what works for each of us. We also speculate on what impact Highland 2’s gender analysis tool will have.

Then we answer listener questions about following the “rules” of formatting, from creative scene headers to “hey reader” notes and tips for introducing characters who play important roles later in the script.


* Our next live Scriptnotes with Jonah Nolan & Lisa Joy (Westworld) and Stephen McFeely & Christopher Markus (Avengers: Infinity War) will be Tuesday, May 22nd at the ArcLight in Hollywood. Tickets are on sale now -- proceeds benefit Hollywood HEART, which runs special programs and summer camps for at-risk youth.
* Frank Oz, in case you’re curious
* Look how fast Highland 2 loads War and Peace compared to other programs!
* Scriptnotes, Ep 125: The One with the Guys from Final Draft
* Welcome to Southern California includes a 1953 pronunciation of “Los Angeles”
* Less by Andrew Sean Greer
* The Scriptnotes Listeners’ Guide!
* The USB drives!
* John August on Twitter
* Craig Mazin on Twitter
* John on Instagram
* Find past episodes
* Outro by Larry Douziech (send us yours!)

Email us at ask@johnaugust.com

You can download the episode here.

349 - Putting Words on the Page
349 - Putting Words on the Page
Scriptnotes Podcast