146: In The Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

146: In The Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

By Kotaku

Jason's out of town, so Kotaku editor Maddy Myers joins Kirk to fill in as co-host. First up they talk about Nintendo's new Switch online service, the just-announced PlayStation Classic, how the maniacs who beat Destiny 2's new raid unlocked new stuff for everyone, and how streamers are reacting after someone shot a BB gun through the window of a popular PUBG personality. 

Then Kotaku EIC Stephen Totilo joins (33:33) to talk about Shadow of the Tomb Raider, a good game that's been unfortunately overSHADOWED (cough) by certain other September mega-games. Maddy and Kirk close out (55:23) with some talk of Assassin's Creed Origins, a couple TV recommendations, and a New Zealand-tastic music pick of the week.


"After Shooting At Dr Disrespect's House, Streamers Are Concerned For Their Safety," by Nathan Grayson for Kotaku

Stephen Totilo's review of Shadow of the Tomb Raider  

"After Jacksonville Shooting, Gaming Event Organizers Pledge Better Security" by Maddy Myers for Kotaku

Heather Alexandra and Cecilia D'Anastasio on what they liked and didn't like about The Dragon Prince

Kirk's review of Assassin's Creed Origins and follow-up article about how absurdly huge the game is

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