Podcast 144: Chris Gets A Hoverboard, James Gets Poisoned and Dom's back!

Podcast 144: Chris Gets A Hoverboard, James Gets Poisoned and Dom's back!

By Radio X

Dom is back this week and he makes a musical return to the podcast. His newest beats are dropped and the hip, young, youth station of Capital Extra are rumoured to be interested. Chris and Dom were joined by Steve who brought some insanely rare movie memorabilia to view, from Superman, to Back the Future and everything in between. What’s the first rule of radio James? Don’t eat anything a listener sends you. There’s more… - Chris Auditions For This Morning - Steve Allen Visits - Jose Wants Respect - Bye Intern Mark Enjoy The Chris Moyles Show on Radio X Weekdays 6:30-10am RadioX.co.uk
Podcast 144: Chris Gets A Hoverboard, James Gets Poisoned and Dom's back!
Podcast 144: Chris Gets A Hoverboard, James Gets Poisoned and Dom's back!
The Chris Moyles Show on Radio X Podcast