6. Ship to Shore with L. Ron Hubbard

6. Ship to Shore with L. Ron Hubbard

By Andy Daly Pilot Project

Recorded live, November 10th, 1968 aboard the Sea Org Flagship, The Royal Scotsman, this is Ship To Shore with “The Commodore,” L. Ron Hubbard. LRH is joined by some of his most trusted advisors like Marion Grapes, Heidi Corporate and Jules McManon, for important updates about the goings on in the church. We learn about everyone’s past lives, and how a treasure hunt through time has been going. Then, they all play a rousing game of “Stump The Clear”, and Martin Margotdale, skeptic and magician, tires to debate The Commodore. Finally, the group puts on a radio play of one of L. Ron’s greatest works. NOTE: This pilot is not for suppressive persons!

Special Guests: Lauren Lapkus, Mary Holland, Matt Gourley and Paul F. Tompkins

This episode is brought to you by Heineken.

6. Ship to Shore with L. Ron Hubbard
6. Ship to Shore with L. Ron Hubbard
Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project